Throughout the semester I wrote a blog about the climate change in Antarctica. I learned what we can do as a society to help slow the melting process of Antarctica. It is not only melting but animals who live there are loosing land and there home. It is important as people to get together and start making greener solutions and make this world last longer. I have learned many ways in which people can help save our Earth. I have written throughout this blog many ways that you can pitch in and do your part in society such as: recycle, drive less, car pool, etc. I have learned through the semester that we as a group need to help each other and be examples to future generations to preserve the land we live on. 

I have also learned how writing and grammar are two important skills to have. I have learned how to effectively communicate in written form to many different audiences and also take feedback from my professor and peers in my class. I have also gained experience in many different programs to improve my technology skills and be able to make my voice be heard in the internet world. I feel like my blog has shown many different skills I have learned and acquired. I have learn to post pictures on my blog also on pinterest to link my stories and findings to educate people on an important issue. I am grateful to gain the experience in writing for different audiences and to publish my articles online in hopes that some will educate others to work together to take care of our planet and to keep it clean. 
Today you can travel almost anywhere you want in the world. Antarctica is one of those places you are able to travel. Antarctica is a very fragile place, it is slowly melting away each year and slowly starting to disappear. We as a community can help change the way travel to Antarctica and help preserve this beautiful piece of land.

There are three different ways to travel and be sustainable while getting to witness a beautiful piece of land.
  • Land
  • Cruise ship
  • Helicopter 

I personally think that the two best ways to preserve Antarctica is to see it by a cruise ship and by helicopter. These ways make it so you can see how beautiful and peaceful it is but still keep off the land. By staying off the land and ice this helps animals live longer and for us also not to ruin the land. Also another big issue for Antarctica is global warming, as the earth keeps warming it is slowly been decreasing in size and this is also affecting animals which need to live on land to survive. A way to make more people aware is to teach them in middle or high school and make kids aware of the issue when they are young so that they can practice habits that will preserve the earth longer. 
Niokolo-Koba National Park is located in the Sudano-Guinean. It is characterized by its ecosystems typical of the region. Watered by large waterways it compromises gallery forests, grass floodplains, ponds, dry forests, rocky slopes, and hills. The plant diversity influences the large population of wildlife including: antelopes, chimpanzees, lions, leopards, elephants, and many birds, reptiles, and amphibians. 

Preserve and Protect: 
  • The park is managed by a management administration under the direct supervision of the State through the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection and the National Parks Directorate. The property does have many flaws though, there are many cases of poaching, bush fires, premature drying up ponds and invasion of plants. Due to the poor soil it does affect the agriculture and the livestock that lives within the park. In order to keep the land safe and to keep blossoming they need to stop the poaching, monitor the grounds better, and also try and start a plan to help the endangered animals survive.

  • The park would be very successful if they did start implementing plans on furthering the endangered species and to help these animals expand. They have many animals that are on the endangered species list and they need to make a plan to help keep these animals safe from poachers and also find a plan to help grow the population of these animals. They do need to pass a law in which keeps this land safe from harm, and make a policy in which national security can help the wildlife and agriculture grow without harm.
To learn more about the Niokolo-Koba National Park you can visit:
Antarctica is very precious and they are allowing people to go visit and see just how beautiful the land is. The growing concern is how it is slowly melting and how animals are also disappearing. The International Association Antarctica Tour Operations (IAATO) has set guidelines to follow so that we can try to preserve this piece of land.

In 1991, The Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties adopted the protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, which designates the Antarctic as a natural reserve. The protocol applies to tourism and non-governmental activities as well as governmental activities. These principles, procedures, and obligations should be followed when entering the territories and the guidance of visitors must be aware and follow. These rules are set up to help protect the wildlife, land, and the safety of your own person. Most if not all tour operators are credited and follow these rules and this will help keep Antarctica from changing more rapidly. You can read more about the specific guidelines in which they follow:

  • ·      Fair Working Conditions: Tour operators and visitors must follow these rules to be able to travel into Antarctica. You have to use certain transportation in which not to disturb your surroundings. You also cannot feed the animals for their safety as well as their safety. Do not damage plants, no guns or explosives, and you cannot bring native plants or animals into Antarctica.

  • ·     Fair Prices: It does cost to take a ship, plane, etc. to Antarctica but the experience you gain while exploring a land in which is very protected and seeing wildlife in an untouched habitat is priceless. 
  •  Integration Into the Local Economy and Regional Development: As more people are slowly starting to travel into Antarctica you need to make sure that you do not leave trace. Antarctica is very fragile along with the animals. Having to follow the rules of IAATO to travel to Antarctica makes us preserve the land as well as the wildlife. Tour operators are credited with IAATO and this makes a more positive outlook on just who can go to Antarctica and will follow the guidelines to keep Antarctica beautiful. 
  •  Fair Trade Partnerships Between All Actors in Tourism: IAATO partners with many tour companies as well as government use. They do have many experiments going in which will help us find out more about the land and wildlife, which you can donate to and support the IAATO.
  • Sustainable Resource Use and Environmental Justice:  The ships and planes do need to qualify with clean air and also must not be over a certain size while cruising the Arctic. You also must where certain clothing in which to help preserve the land. 

In today's world you are able to travel basically anywhere you want, even the most delicate pieces of land. Antarctica is one that is becoming more fragile as the Earth becomes older. There are ways to travel and leave little to no trace to the land you visit. Ecotourism is a way to travel to beautiful destinations without leaving your footprints along the way. 

With ANI (Adventure Network International) they take you on these tours while teaching and practicing the different techniques of sustainable travel. They follow the guidelines to the Antarctic Treaty System (, they are members of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (, and they also are authorized by the US Government to meet the requirements of the Antarctic Treaty. ANI also share their points on how they are using eco-friendly tools to being very successful sustainable travelers. 

Treading Softly in Antarctica
  • Reducing our Footprint
  • Waste Removal
  • Wildlife Protection
  • Mount Vinson
  • What you can do

They hit on these main points and teach you as well as practicing these sustainable acts to ensure the safety of yourself as well as the safety of Antarctica. 

I encourage you to visit whether you are planning a trip or are interested in how a company can be successful in sustainable travel. 

Antarctica is one of three areas in the globe, which are currently experiencing a climate change. In each area the mean annual temperatures have risen each year. The climate change is affecting the animals living in the peninsula. As the ice sheets melt, it is leaving less land and open ground for animals to live. It has been affecting not only the land based  animals but also the oceanic wildlife. the Krill shrimp are also declining which are also a big staple food for everything from fish to whales. 

This is one of many icebergs in Antarctica.  This also the home of many animals including penguins which you see standing on the iceberg.