Today you can travel almost anywhere you want in the world. Antarctica is one of those places you are able to travel. Antarctica is a very fragile place, it is slowly melting away each year and slowly starting to disappear. We as a community can help change the way travel to Antarctica and help preserve this beautiful piece of land.

There are three different ways to travel and be sustainable while getting to witness a beautiful piece of land.
  • Land
  • Cruise ship
  • Helicopter 

I personally think that the two best ways to preserve Antarctica is to see it by a cruise ship and by helicopter. These ways make it so you can see how beautiful and peaceful it is but still keep off the land. By staying off the land and ice this helps animals live longer and for us also not to ruin the land. Also another big issue for Antarctica is global warming, as the earth keeps warming it is slowly been decreasing in size and this is also affecting animals which need to live on land to survive. A way to make more people aware is to teach them in middle or high school and make kids aware of the issue when they are young so that they can practice habits that will preserve the earth longer. 

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