Antarctica is very precious and they are allowing people to go visit and see just how beautiful the land is. The growing concern is how it is slowly melting and how animals are also disappearing. The International Association Antarctica Tour Operations (IAATO) has set guidelines to follow so that we can try to preserve this piece of land.

In 1991, The Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties adopted the protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, which designates the Antarctic as a natural reserve. The protocol applies to tourism and non-governmental activities as well as governmental activities. These principles, procedures, and obligations should be followed when entering the territories and the guidance of visitors must be aware and follow. These rules are set up to help protect the wildlife, land, and the safety of your own person. Most if not all tour operators are credited and follow these rules and this will help keep Antarctica from changing more rapidly. You can read more about the specific guidelines in which they follow: http://iaato.org/visitor-guidelines

  • ·      Fair Working Conditions: Tour operators and visitors must follow these rules to be able to travel into Antarctica. You have to use certain transportation in which not to disturb your surroundings. You also cannot feed the animals for their safety as well as their safety. Do not damage plants, no guns or explosives, and you cannot bring native plants or animals into Antarctica.

  • ·     Fair Prices: It does cost to take a ship, plane, etc. to Antarctica but the experience you gain while exploring a land in which is very protected and seeing wildlife in an untouched habitat is priceless. 
  •  Integration Into the Local Economy and Regional Development: As more people are slowly starting to travel into Antarctica you need to make sure that you do not leave trace. Antarctica is very fragile along with the animals. Having to follow the rules of IAATO to travel to Antarctica makes us preserve the land as well as the wildlife. Tour operators are credited with IAATO and this makes a more positive outlook on just who can go to Antarctica and will follow the guidelines to keep Antarctica beautiful. 
  •  Fair Trade Partnerships Between All Actors in Tourism: IAATO partners with many tour companies as well as government use. They do have many experiments going in which will help us find out more about the land and wildlife, which you can donate to and support the IAATO.
  • Sustainable Resource Use and Environmental Justice:  The ships and planes do need to qualify with clean air and also must not be over a certain size while cruising the Arctic. You also must where certain clothing in which to help preserve the land. 

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