If you find yourself how big twitter really is you have come to the right place. I recently read this article about twitter and it stated that the current comScore attracted 79.4 million users worldwide in 2010. Twitter is now in the top 30 for largest websites in the world. This article also states that it finally asked Twitter and they came out with the number of users on Twitter right now and it states 105 million registered users. ComScore was easily off by half the number saying that comScore was not even close on the estimate.

Rudd Murdock
2/21/2013 03:51:03 am

I have an interest in the climate change in Antarctica and think that there could be some great connections with volunteering in helping with this cause, as my blog is about voluntourism in Asia. There are several groups right now helping with this cause of climate change as I have found through simply doing a google search on it. I think that we could help each other find different resources in the area of volunteering in order to help both our blogs become more interesting. I look forward to hearing more from you soon.--Rudd Murdock


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